Biology majors who are enrolled in the Honors Program (HP) of the College of Arts and Sciences begin their honors courses in the first semester of the sophomore year (the course is Sophomore Honors Orientation BIOL317). Students admitted to the Honors Program at the end of their freshman year (in summer) should contact the Honors Adv
Biology Honors Program
The purpose of the Honors Program is to provide students the opportunity for advanced mentored instruction and training in a specific area of research sufficient to develop the Honors thesis.
Students admitted to the HP at the end of their freshman year (in summer), should contact the Honors Advisor (Courtney Robinson, in the Department of Biology, no later than the end of the first week of the fall semester.
All honor students must enroll in the following series of courses: Importantly, all 7 credit hours earned from the six courses offered by the Department of Biology Honors program are advanced electives. All Biology majors must satisfy a total 14/15 credits of advanced electives.
COAS HonorsYear | Semester | Course | Credits | Course Title |
Sophomore | Fall | BIOL 217 | 1 | Honors Orientation |
Sophomore | Spring | BIOL 218 | 1 | Directed Readings |
Junior | Fall | BIOL 317 | 1 | Directed Readings |
Junior | Spring | BIOL 318 | 1 | Proposal Development |
Senior | Fall | BIOL491 | 2 | Honors Research |
Senior | Spring | BIOL 492 | 1 | Honors Thesis |
Honors Program Policy
HonorsProgramPolicyHonors Orientation Registration Form
HonrosOrientationFormHonors Orientation (BIOL 217, Fall) is the first of five (5) honors courses (four Directed Readings courses and one Honors Research course) that are part of a special honors curriculum for Biology majors in the Honors Program of the College of Arts and Sciences.
Directed Reading Mentor Agreement Form
HonorsDirectedReadingFormA student cannot register for Directed Reading until this form is completed. Only students in the COAS Honors Program can register for Directed Readings; only Department of Biology faculty members may serve as mentors. Directed Readings involves pursuit of an independent literature research problem in a sub-discipline of Biology under the direction of a faculty mentor. Directed Reading is preparation for Honors Research; therefore, Directed Readings students are expected to enroll subsequently in Honors Research under the same mentor. The following form is held on file in the office; this serves as a binding contract between the Chairman, Department, Directed Faculty Mentor, and the Student mentee
Honors Research Form
HonorsResearchForm* For seniors who are members of the COAS Honors Program, only. It is expected that the research done in this course will be used as the basis for the honors thesis.